7 Tips to Meditate Like a Pro

Welcome to Actionable Insights, a newsletter exploring health, mindset, and productivity!

In This Issue:

  • 7 tips to meditate like a pro

  • Tool of the week - Gumroad

Reading Time: 3 minutes

7 Tips to Meditate Like a Pro:

Meditation is one of the best habits I've created.

It helps me feel more calm right away.

Here are 7 meditations I love.

1) 4-7-8 breathing

Inhale for 4 seconds.

Hold for 7 seconds.

Exhale for 8 seconds.

2) In and out breathing

Inhale while saying "breathing in" in your head.

Exhale while saying "breathing out" in your head.

3) Lion's breath

Inhale deeply.

Exhale as forcefully as you can through your mouth.

4) Diaphragm breathing

Gently place your one hand on your abdomen.

Focus on pushing your stomach out while inhaling.

Focus on pulling your stomach back in while exhaling.

5) Wim Hof breathing

Inhale and exhale normally 30 to 40 times.

Once you feel slight discomfort, inhale deeply.

Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds.

Exhale forcefully through your mouth.

Repeat this process 3 to 6 times per session.

6) Pursed lip breathing

Inhale slowly through your nose for 2 counts.

Purse or pucker your lips as if you were going to whistle.

Exhale slowly by blowing air through your pursed lips for 4 counts.

7) Even breathing

Inhale and exhale for equal durations of time.

Continue this process for at least 5 minutes.

Meditation TL; DR:

  • 4-7-8 breathing

  • In and out

  • Lion's breath

  • Diaphragm breathing

  • Wim Hof breathing

  • Pursed lip breathing

  • Even breathing

Tool of the Week — Gumroad:

Gumroad is the marketplace I use to host my digital products.

Here are some of its features I love:

  • Free service

  • Great analytics

  • Affiliate program

  • Good for giveaways

  • Simple setup process

Work With Simrun:

When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

  • Habits

  • Mindset

  • Marketing

  • Twitter growth

  • Newsletter growth

  • Productivity systems

  • Physical & mental health

Final Note:

I'm excited to start this journey of writing a newsletter that aims to improve your life. I look forward to sharing valuable insights on health, mindset, and productivity every Tuesday and Thursday.

If there's anything you'd like to see in this newsletter, feel free to reply to this email!

Stay consistent,
